我的 DVD 收藏列表,依導演姓名與電影年份排序。
Bille August
- Goodbye Bafana (再見曼德拉) (2007)
Michael Bay
- Transformers (變形金剛) (2007)
Wolfgang Becker
- Goodbye Lenin! (再見列寧) (2003)
Even Benestad
- All About My Father (父親的衣櫃) (2002)
Kathryn Bigelow
- The Hurt Locker (危機倒數) (2008)
Neill Blomkamp
- District 9 (第九禁區) (2009)
Rob Bowman
- The X Files (X 檔案:征服未來) (1998)
Danny Boyle
- Trainspotting (猜火車) (1996)
Martin Brest
- Meet Joe Black (第六感生死緣) (1998)
Tim Burton
- Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (巧克力冒險工廠) (2005)
Tim Burton and Mike Johnson
- Corpse Bride (地獄新娘) (2005)
James Cameron
- The Abyss (無底洞) (1989)
Niki Caro
- North Country (北國性騷擾) (2005)
Chris Carter
- The X Files: I Want to Believe (X 檔案:我要相信) (2008)
Sylvia Chang (張艾嘉)
- Siao Yu (少女小漁) (1995)
Tseng-chai Chang (張曾澤)
- Heroes of the Eastern Skies (筧橋英烈傳) (1977)
Yi Chang (張毅)
- Kuei-mei, A Woman (我這樣過了一生) (1986)
Kun-hou Chen (陳坤厚)
- Growing Up (小畢的故事) (1983)
- Osmanthus Alley (桂花巷) (1987)
Yu-Hsun Chen (陳玉勳)
- Tropical Fish (熱帶魚) (1995)
Michael Cimino
- The Deer Hunter (越戰獵鹿人) (1978)
George Clooney
- Good Night, and Good Luck. (晚安,祝你好運) (2005)
Chris Columbus
- Bicentennial Man (變人) (1999)
Francis Ford Coppola
- Apocalypse Now (現代啟示錄) (1979)
Sofia Coppola
- Lost in Translation (愛情,不用翻譯) (2003)
Frank Coraci
- Click (命運好好玩) (2006)
Cameron Crowe
- Almost Famous (成名在望) (2000)
- Vanilla Sky (香草天空) (2001)
Alfonso Cuarón
- The Children of Men (人類之子) (2007)
Lawrence Cumbo
- Search for the Afghan Girl (尋找阿富汗少女) (2003)
Stephen Daldry
- Billy Elliot (舞動人生) (2000)
- The Hours (時時刻刻) (2002)
Frank Darabont
- The Mist (史帝芬金之迷霧驚魂) (2007)
Robert De Niro
- The Good Shepherd (特務風雲:中情局誕生秘辛) (2006)
Jonathan Demme
- The Manchurian Candidate (戰略迷魂) (2004)
Brian De Palma
- The Untouchables (鐵面無私) (1987)
- Understanding Flight (認識飛行) (2000)
- Neanderthal’s World (遠古人類) (2003)
- Behind the Hatred: Roots of Conflict (仇恨的起源) (2006)
- When We Left Earth: The NASA Missions (從地球出發:NASA 任務 50 年) (2008)
Clint Eastwood
- Unforgiven (殺無赦) (1992)
- The Bridges of Madison County (麥迪遜之橋) (1995)
- Blood Work (血型拼圖) (2002)
- Million Dollar Baby (登峰造擊) (2004)
- Gran Torino (經典老爺車) (2008)
Roland Emmerich
- Independence Day (ID4 星際終結者) (1996)
Richard Eyre
- Iris (長路將盡) (2001)
Jon Favreau
- Iron Man (鋼鐵人) (2008)
F. Gary Gray
- The Italian Job (偷天換日) (2003)
Terry George
- Hotel Rwanda (盧安達飯店) (2004)
Alex Gibney
- Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room (安隆風暴) (2005)
Terry Gilliam
- Twelve Monkeys (未來總動員) (1995)
Tony Gilroy
- Michael Clayton (全面反擊) (2007)
Davis Guggenheim
- An Inconvenient Truth (不願面對的真相) (2006)
Paul Haggis
- Crash (衝擊效應) (2004)
Rajkumar Hirani
- Lage Raho Munna Bhai (傻瓜大哥再出擊) (2006)
Gregory Hoblit
- Fracture (破綻) (2007)
Hsiao-hsien Hou (侯孝賢)
- Dust in the Wind (戀戀風塵) (1986)
- Three Times (最好的時光) (2005)
Hsiao-hsien Hou (侯孝賢), Jen Wan (萬仁) and Chuang-hsiang Tseng (曾壯祥)
- The Sandwich Man (兒子的大玩偶) (1983)
Chih-yu Hung (洪智育)
- Blue Brave: The Legend of Formosa in 1895 (一八九五) (2008)
Gary Hustwit
- Helvetica (2007)
Ron Howard
- A Beautiful Mind (美麗境界) (2001)
- The Da Vinci Code (達文西密碼) (2006)
Peter Howitt
- Sliding Doors (雙面情人) (1998)
Alejandro González Iñárritu
Garth Jennings
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (星際大奇航) (2005)
Karan Johar
- My Name Is Khan (我的名字叫可汗) (2010)
Joe Johnston
- October Sky (十月的天空) (1999) (VCD)
Spike Jonze
- Where the Wild Things Are (野獸冒險樂園) (2009)
Jonathan Kaplan
- The Accused (控訴) (1988)
Moisés Kaufman
- The Laramie Project (真相拼圖) (2002)
Irvin Kershner
- Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (星際大戰五部曲:帝國大反擊) (1980)
Takashi Koizumi (小泉堯史)
- The Professor’s Beloved Equation (博士熱愛的算式) (2006)
Søren Kragh-Jacobsen
- Sakgerrak (愛情向前走) (2003)
Stanley Kubrick
- Killer’s Kiss (死之吻) (1955)
- The Killing (殺手) (1956)
- Paths of Glory (突擊) (1957)
- Lolita (一樹梨花壓海棠) (1962)
- Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (奇愛博士) (1964)
- 2001: A Space Odyssey (2001 太空漫遊) (1968)
- Full Metal Jacket (金甲部隊) (1987)
- Eyes Wide Shut (大開眼戒) (1999)
Ang Lee (李安)
- Pushing Hands (推手) (1992)
- The Wedding Banquet (喜宴) (1993)
- Eat Drink Man Woman (飲食男女) (1994)
- Brokeback Mountain (斷背山) (2005)
- Lust, Caution (色|戒) (2007)
Hsing Lee (李行)
- He Never Gives Up (汪洋中的一條船) (1979)
You-ning Lee (李佑寧)
- Second Spring of Mr. Mou (老莫的第二個春天) (1984)
Barry Levinson
Richard Linklater
- A Scanner Darkly (心機掃描) (2006)
George Lucas
- Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope (星際大戰四部曲:曙光乍現) (1977)
- Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace (星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏) (1999)
- Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones (星際大戰二部曲:複製人全面進攻) (2002)
- Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge of the Sith (星際大戰三部曲:西斯大帝的復仇) (2005)
Adrian Lyne
- Fatal Attraction (致命的吸引力) (1987)
- Dolphin Blue (海豚奇蹟) (2007)
Majid Majidi
- Children of Heaven (天堂的孩子) (1997)
Michael Mann
- Collateral (落日殺神) (2004)
Richard Marquand
- Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (星際大戰六部曲:絕地大反攻) (1983)
Garry Marshall
- Runaway Bride (落跑新娘) (1999)
Fernando Meirelles
- Blindness (盲流感) (2008)
Sam Mendes
- Road to Perdition (非法正義) (2002)
Anthony Minghella
- The English Patient (英倫情人) (1996)
Hayao Miyazaki
- Gake no ue no Ponyo (崖上的波妞) (2008)
Hans Petter Moland
- Aberdeen (跟憂鬱跳舞) (2000)
Gabriele Muccino
- The Pursuit of Happyness (當幸福來敲門) (2006)
Omar Naim
- The Final Cut (迴光報告) (2004)
Jessie Nelson
- I Am Sam (他不笨,他是我爸爸) (2001)
Andrew Niccol
- Gattaca (千鈞一髮) (1997)
Mike Nichols
- The Graduate (畢業生) (1967)
Christopher Nolan
- Insomnia (針鋒相對) (2002)
- Batman Begins (蝙蝠俠:開戰時刻) (2005)
Rory O’Connor and Gil Rossellini
- The Hole in the Wall (鑿壁上網) (2003)
Ching-jui Pai (白景瑞)
- The Coldest Winter in Peking (皇天后土) (1981)
Alan Parker
John Polson
- Hide and Seek (捉迷藏) (2005)
Alex Proyas
- I, Robot (機械公敵) (2004)
Robert Redford
- Lions for Lambs (權力風暴) (2007)
Matt Reeves
- Cloverfield (柯洛弗檔案) (2008)
Rob Reiner
- Rumor Has IT… (當真愛踫上八卦) (2005)
Guy Ritchie
- Sherlock Holmes (福爾摩斯) (2009)
Mark Romanek
- One Hour Photo (不速之客) (2002)
Jay Russell
- Ladder 49 (浴火英雄) (2004)
Franklin J. Schaffner
- Planet of the Apes (浩劫餘生) (1968)
Joel Schumacher
- Phone Booth (絕命鈴聲) (2002)
Lone Scherfig
- Wilbur Wants to Kill Himself (二手書之戀) (2002)
Liev Schreiber
- Everything is Illuminated (一切都鳥了) (2005)
Ridley Scott
- American Gangster (美國黑幫) (2007)
Jim Sheridan
- In America (前進天堂) (2002)
M. Night Shyamalan
- The Sixth Sense (靈異第六感) (1999)
- The Village (陰森林) (2004)
Bryan Singer
- Superman Returns (超人再起) (2006)
Tarsem Singh
- The Cell (入侵腦細胞) (2000)
Richard Smith and Chris Thorburn
- A Traveler’s Guide to the Planets (行星旅遊指南) (2010)
Steven Soderbergh
Steven Spielberg
- Raiders of the Lost Ark (法櫃奇兵) (1981)
- E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial (E.T. 外星人) (1982)
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (魔宮傳奇) (1984)
- Empire of the Sun (太陽帝國) (1987)
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (聖戰奇兵) (1989)
- Artificial Intelligence: AI (A.I. 人工智慧) (2001)
- Minority Report (關鍵報告) (2002)
- Munich (慕尼黑) (2005)
Jeannot Szwarc
- Somewhere In Time (似曾相識) (1980)
Julie Taymor
- Frida (揮灑烈愛) (2002)
Shansi Ting (丁善璽)
- Eight Hundred Heroes (八百壯士) (1977)
Ming-liang Tsai (蔡明亮)
- Rebels of the Neon God (青少年哪吒) (1992)
- Vive L’Amour (愛情萬歲) (1994)
- The River (河流) (1997)
- The Wayward Cloud (天邊一朵雲) (2005)
Yukihiko Tsutsumi (堤幸彦)
- Memories of Tomorrow (明日的記憶) (2006)
Gus Van Sant
- Milk (自由大道) (2008)
Paul Verhoeven
- RoboCop (機器戰警) (1987)
Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski
- The Matrix (駭客任務) (1999)
- The Matrix Reloaded (駭客任務:重裝上陣) (2003)
- The Matrix Revolutions (駭客任務:最後戰役) (2003)
Hideki Wada (和田秀樹)
- Cinderella Formula (東大灰姑娘) (2007)
Tung Wang (王童)
- A Flower in the Rainy Night (看海的日子) (1983)
- Strawman (稻草人) (1987)
Te-Sheng Wei (魏德聖)
- Cape No. 7 (海角七號) (2008)
Peter Weir
- The Truman Show (楚門的世界) (1998)
Li-kuo Yang (楊立國)
- The Dull-Ice Flower (魯冰花) (1989)
Robert Zemeckis
- Forrest Gump (阿甘正傳) (1994)
Fred Zinnemann
- The Day of the Jackal (豺狼之日) (1973)
Edward Zwick
- Courage Under Fire (火線勇氣) (1996)
- Blood Diamond (血鑽石) (2006)